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Pell Disbursement DetailTracks, maintains and updates the Disbursement Actions for a given Pell grant. Disbursement Actions are generally exchanged between the School and external processing entities. |
# | PeopleSoft Field Name | PeopleSoft Field Type | Database Column Type | Description |
1 | EMPLID | Character(11) | VARCHAR2(11) NOT NULL |
Employee ID
Prompt Table: PEOPLE_SRCH |
2 | INSTITUTION | Character(5) | VARCHAR2(5) NOT NULL |
Academic Institution
3 | AID_YEAR | Character(4) | VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL |
Aid Year
Default Value: OPR_DEF_TBL_CS.AID_YEAR Prompt Table: AID_YEAR_TBL |
4 | PELL_ORIG_ID | Character(23) | VARCHAR2(23) NOT NULL | Pell Origination ID |
5 | PELL_DISB_SEQ_NBR | Number(2,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Pell Disbt Sequence Nbr |
6 | PELL_DISB_ACTN_SEQ | Number(3,0) | SMALLINT NOT NULL | Pell Disbt Action Seq Nbr |
7 | PELL_DISB_ACTN | Character(4) | VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL |
Pell Disbursement Action Code
ACKN=Disbursement Acknowledged CANL=Cancel Prior to Disbursement DBRD=Not Processed, in Rejected Doc DCOR=Disbursement Acc w/Corrections DSBF=Failed Validation Rule DSBP=Passed Validation Rule DUPL=Duplicate OERR=Disbursement Outbound Error ORIG=Originated REJT=Disbursement Rejected REPL=Replaced by RFMS Correction TRNS=Disbursement Transmitted ZAKN=Ackn Return RFMS Gen Disb ZCAN=Disb Not Sent Due to RFMS Dsb ZDSB=RFMS Generated Disbursement ZORG=Return RFMS Generated Disb ZREJ=Rejected (Z) ZREP=Replaced by RFMS Correctn (Z) ZTRN=Transmit Rtn RFMS Gen Disb |
8 | PELL_DISB_ACTN_DT | DateTime(26) | TIMESTAMP | Pell Disbursement Action Dt |
9 | PELL_BATCH_NBR | Character(26) | VARCHAR2(26) NOT NULL | Pell Batch Number |
10 | OPRID | Character(30) | VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL | A user's ID (see PSOPRDEFN). |
11 | PROCESS_INSTANCE | Number(10,0) | DECIMAL(10) NOT NULL | Process Instance |
12 | SFA_CR_DOCUMENT_ID | Character(34) | VARCHAR2(34) NOT NULL | Document ID |
13 | PELL_PAYPR_STRT_DT | Date(10) | DATE | Payment Period Start Date |
14 | PELL_PAYPR_ENRL_ST | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
Payment Period Enroll Status
F=Full-time H=Half-time L=Less than Half-time N=No Unit Load Q=Three Quarter time |
15 | CIP_CODE | Character(13) | VARCHAR2(13) NOT NULL | CIP code |
16 | SFA_PROG_LENGTH_YR | Number(7,3) | DECIMAL(6,3) NOT NULL | Program Length Value |
17 | SFA_PROG_LENGTH_MN | Number(7,3) | DECIMAL(6,3) NOT NULL | Program Length Value |
18 | SFA_PROG_LENGTH_WK | Number(7,3) | DECIMAL(6,3) NOT NULL | Program Length Value |
19 | SFA_WK_PROG_ACADYR | Number(7,3) | DECIMAL(6,3) NOT NULL | Program Length Value |
20 | SFA_SPEC_PROG_FLG | Character(1) | VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL |
SULA Special Programs Flag
A=Selective Admission Assoc Deg B=2-year Bachelor's Degree N=Not Applicable P=Prep Crsewk Grad Prof Pgm T=Non-Cred Teacher Cert Pgm U=Prep Crsewk Ugrad Program |
21 | SFA_COD_CRED_LVL | Character(2) | VARCHAR2(2) NOT NULL |
This field is Credential Level field for COD reporting.
01=Undergraduate diploma/cert 02=Associate's degree 03=Bachelor's degree 04=Post Baccalaureate certificate 05=Master's degree 06=Doctoral degree 07=First Professional degree 08=Graduate/Professional cert 99=Non-credential programs |
22 | SFA_CR_CIPCD_YEAR | Character(4) | VARCHAR2(4) NOT NULL | CIP Code Year |
23 | PELL_PAYPR_END_DT | Date(10) | DATE | Payment Period End Date |